In no particular order, please find the popular free SMS sites:
1. Imaginative - These are most popular guys, 7197, being the sms code in Uganda for all news regarding Primeir league, politics, food, forex. Their site is great and you do not need to register to send your message. SMS from this site gets to the recepient much of the time. No registration to send sms required.
2. K-Open Solutions - We pray hope they remain open to providing free sms forever. They got a chat client like the one on this site where you can chat with your friend. Both of you just load the same website on your computers and start chatting. No need to have either yahoo messenger installed on your computer to chat with your friend. No registration to send sms required.
3. Socnet Solutions - Formerly a website where you did not have to register to send SMS, now Socnet, is not free anymore. Registration is by filling in your phone number and a password gets sent to you via sms. The problem is having to fill it in for every sms that you sent out. Registration to send sms required.
4. Campus Linker - these guys have a nice website. They vending services ranging from ringtons, to wallpapers. They are Kampala's new breed of computer students creating their business online. I like their website and the idea is great. No registration to send sms required.
5. SMS Media - The SMS window is so squeezed, on your right side of the screen above the ringtons and if you not too careful, you could easily miss it. Feed in the number of the recepient and enter your sms. No registration required.
6. Campuser.net - Most popularly known free sms site to Makerere university students. You do need to have an account. A free account is available and all your contacts phone numbers are kept in your account and will always be available whenever you log in. Send sms to every mobile phone company in Uganda: MTN, UTL, Warid and Zain. Registration required to send sms.
7. Surf Uganda - for job seekers but with a free sms window on the right side of your screen, a little below. Send free sms to MTN and UTL mobiles. No registration required to send sms.
8. eacraze sms - These guys send sms to most of the MTN family mobiles. From the 0773, 0782, 0772, to UTL mobiles. Sms to pals out in either KE or TZ is also possible. Just feed the the numbers at their respective country codes. For Ke (+254) and TZ (+255). No registration required to send sms.
9. MTN Uganda Website - You need to be an MTN subscriber to send free sms from their website. Enter your phone number to receive your password. Registration required to send free sms to only MTN subscribers.
10. Web2SMS Zain - You need to have a Zain subscriber number to setup an account to receive a password. Once finished with setting up an account, login on your left where it says "existing users" to send free SMS to Zain Subscribers only. Registration required to send free sms.
***UPDATE: Send FREE SMS to MTN, AIRTEL, Orange, Warid phones on the RuralICT website, www.ruralict.com, Enter your phone number in the format: 07.. It is now the only website where you can send free SMS without registration. Enjoy while it lasts :-)